Make 30k weeky with just 1k activation with PIGGYVEST.
PIGGYVEST is a transaction platform just like bank, and other transaction Apps.
But what make PIGGYVEST special? Is what I want to tell you now. If only you will read to the end of the post.

Wait..! If you get a platform that gives you 1k for Signing up and 1k for referring a friend won't you recommend it to friends? Meanwhile I have used PIGGYVEST and tested and it working perfectly and I can boost about PIGGYVEST.

See my earning from the people I referred this means that I have successfully referred 47 people 47 x 1000 = 47,000  what make it  49,200 I fund my account with 1,200 1k to redeem my Sign up money 1k making it 2k added to my 47, 000 now plus my 200 saving totally it 49,200 pending 10days to withdraw, is this not more that office work? isn't it nice? Yes!! It is....!

Now let's go further explanation about PIGGYVEST.

PIGGYVEST give free account number by providus bank

PIGGYVEST show how to save money and gain interest day by day

PIGGYVEST gives opportunity to safe lock your money as long as you want with interest sure

PIGGYVEST give user chance to set targeting money

PIGGYVEST allow dollar transaction

Now let me explans the point bit by bit

PIGGYVEST provide account number to all PIGGYVEST user as you see in the image above
This account number that you use to transfer money from your account to PIGGYVEST account just as normal transaction, with bank apps or any transaction app like CARBON or Opay.

Note before account number will be giving to any user, verification of BVN is must to know that you truly own and account before a 10 digits will show on your dashboard once you add your BVN make sure BVN phone number is on, because PIGGYVEST will call for verification. 

Once your account is verified your account number will show up. Now for you to redeem your sign up bonus; click on ACCOUNT copy the amount number, transfer 1k to your PIGGYVEST account, within some minutes login to PIGGYVEST account to see the 1k, now click on Redeeming 1,000 referring bonus, and notice that 2k will show on saving box on your main dashboard.

Therefore, once this is done go ahead referre friends and start making 1k each referred.
At the completion of 10days click on ACCOUNT select withdraw and withdraw it to your local account free no extra charges. It nice right?

PIGGYVEST money saving; this action I love the most, Because you can save daily directly from your account once you set auto save, the amount to be save and period like one month, two month and three months etc. Note, as much you save as interest you get, it just like AKAWO, but in PIGGYVEST saving interest is added to you unlike MAMA, UDO, who would charge you at the end of any time you want to collect your money, now which one did you like! I know you will say this want is online, you money will lost, I look 🙄🙄  you, remove such thought from your mind, any site or App that is bind with CBN can't go away with people money. Liket it or not.
But Never also forget that, the MAMA UDO you physically see and trust can also turn you off. Once join PIGGYVEST and start saving your money peaceful. Either direct transfer by or auto collect by the system.

SafeLock; you can lockdown your money as long as you want as interest account for you,
Also TARGET: you can setup target if your school fees or rent to pay in future, the same process you use to save is the same to Target, either by direct transfer with the account number or auto collect.

Henceforth; I recommend PIGGYVEST for you guys to sign up and start using it and make cool money at home!
Click here to  Register PIGGYVEST

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