Sweet Sixteen: Chapter 7 - Beauty

After listening to a story about a man who nursed his torturer back to health instead of leaving him to die, Aliya wonders how she can ever forgive those who have wronged her. She talks to her dad about how she has been feeling ugly and not have enough self-esteem concerning her shape and physique after one of her teachers and another student, Bunmi who continuously call her FAT and picks on her. This is known as body shaming, as they make negative comments about her weight or size.
Her father condemns this act but explains to her how to develop enough self-esteem such that people's words don't hurt her and nobody can hurt her without permission. He teaches her that what she feels about herself is more important than how other people make her feel and she should have confidence in how she looks. Moreover, beauty is neither fat or slim but however one looks is beautiful, one just has to be confident about it.
Beauty is also never enough but having a good character is best. Mr. Bello ends the conversation with a story which teaches that he has bestowed his intelligence and guidance to his daughter, and it is her responsibility to do the same for her children too.


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