The Gandhi Test is gotten from the words of Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian who fights for the independence of his country from Great Britain.
The test is that "you can tell that what you are doing is good or bad if you want other people to know about it or not". This statement explains how a person can make morally right decisions.
If a person is doing something and he wouldn't mind if other people know about it then what the person is doing is right but if such person doesn't want other people to know about what he is doing, then such action is most likely wrong.
However, this doesn't apply to some people who Mr. Bello refers to as animals. This kind of people do not have a sense of shame as they do anything, whether right or wrong, without minding what others would think about them.
Mr. Bello further explains to his daughter that before she makes decisions she should always be mindful that people are watching.
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